The most powerful servers The most powerful servers
Long-term winner
in comparative performance tests

We make AI accessible to everyone as a service.

  • Start using AI with no upfront investment through the AI as a Service (AIaaS) model
  • Unlimited access to GPU and unmatched performance
  • We use the most powerful servers available
  • For serious customers, we offer a FREE trial period by agreement

AI/GPU Server Rental

from €199 / month

Rent an NVIDIA® GPU. Our unique Multi-GPU solution allows you to use 1-4 GPUs simultaneously!

We guarantee that the cards are running on the most powerful server we could assemble.

You can rent up to 4 physical GPUs and leverage the full power of their beastly performance.

AI Cluster Rental

Coming Soon

Gain access to an AI cluster and start using it. Unlock the full potential of AI with just a few lines of code.

The AI cluster, powered by high-performance NVIDIA® GPUs, is fully prepared for your computations, data work, and AI utilization. Our AI orchestrator will allocate sufficient resources for your tasks.

After ordering the service, you will receive your own API access and can start immediately, without any initial investment.

Access to LLM

Coming Soon

Gain access to large language models for a low cost. Use LLMs without any investment and let AI specialists handle them.

Help your company with everyday tasks and start a revolution in employee productivity. All of this is secure – no need to send data to a public shared cloud.

After ordering the service, you will receive API access to your chosen LLM and can start using it immediately.

Prices are listed without VAT. Unless otherwise stated, the price is for 1 month of service.

What Can You Do with CUDA-enabled GPUs?

NVIDIA® CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) allows GPUs to be used for computation beyond graphics, opening up a wide range of possibilities for various applications on servers. Here are a few ways you can leverage CUDA:

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (AI/ML)

GPUs are ideal for training and deploying complex machine learning and deep learning models. CUDA is a key component for libraries like TensorFlow or PyTorch, enabling fast processing of neural networks for image recognition, data analysis, or natural language processing.

Video and Graphics Rendering

With CUDA, GPU-enabled servers can dramatically speed up video, 3D graphics, and animation rendering processes. Many professional tools, like Blender or V-Ray, use GPUs for faster rendering, reducing the time required for editing, modification, and video encoding.

Physical Phenomenon Simulation & Scientific Computing

CUDA accelerates parallel computations for simulations like molecular dynamics, fluid dynamics, weather prediction, or astrophysical phenomena. This enables significantly faster and more accurate scientific simulations, used in fields like computational chemistry, bioinformatics, and more.

Data Analytics & Big Data Processing

GPU servers make working with large data sets more efficient, which is essential for data analytics and big data tasks. CUDA parallelizes computations across large datasets, accelerating analysis, financial modeling, or business process simulations.

Gaming & Game Engine Development

GPU servers are also used for game engine development and real-time graphics processing. CUDA accelerates processes like physics simulation or game graphics rendering, enabling faster development and a better gaming experience.

Cryptocurrency Mining

CUDA allows miners to leverage GPUs for faster processing power, improving mining efficiency for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Litecoin. With CUDA, GPUs offer an optimal balance between energy efficiency and processing power.