The most powerful servers The most powerful servers
Long-term winner
in comparative performance tests

Guaranteed availability

We offer Zoner services non-stop. Each service is provided with a guarantee of availability at contract level and sanctions in case of the service availability dropping below guaranteed level.

Gauging of availability

Gauging of availability is provided by a Zoner monitoring system. The availability of services is constantly checked.

Exceptions from the availability of service

  • Necessary adjustments of the device (maintenance, checks etc.)
  • Safety updates
  • Updates of new versions of services
  • Acts performed on Customer´s request and failures caused by Customer
  • Acts necessary for deflecting damages on device or service
Guaranteed availability


In the event of a reduction in monthly service availability, the client has the opportunity to exercise the right to reduce the price of the service in a given month as follows:

Availability 99,98 % - 99,90 % 99,89 % - 99,50 % 99,49 % - 99,00 % 98,99 % - 97,00 % below 97,00 %
SLA 99,99 % 5 % price reduction 10 % price reduction 20 % price reduction 50 % price reduction 100 % price reduction

The procedure for applying for a discount within the guaranteed services

Customer sends a request for assessment of the announced loss to the contact address of ZONER company in writing (electronically), stating the date and time of unavailability of the service. Complaints about services must be claimed not later than 30 days from the unavailability of the service.